FINEOS to host Best Practice Webinar: “Why are you not a Digital Insurer”?

  • Interactive session will focus on enabling digital service in claims
  • Next webinar in the highly successful “Claim the Future” series

FINEOS Corporation, a market leading provider of core systems for Life, Accident and Health insurance, today announced the next webinar in its best practice claims management series, ‘Claim the Future’. The webinar, which will take place on 26 January, is entitled Why are you not a Digital Insurer?” and will run in collaboration with Insurance Networking News.

This month’s webinar will feature contributions from Jonathan Boylan, Chief Technology Officer, FINEOS and Chuck Johnston, Chief Marketing Officer, FINEOS. During the 45-minute presentation, the presenters will examine how Life and Health insurers lag behind other industries in digital service and show how insurers can leverage the FINEOS Insurance Cloud to shake off their legacy shackles. This is because the FINEOS Insurance Cloud goes beyond the hosted technology capabilities of some core insurance system vendors to provide deep content, rapid deployment, and a product-centric continuous improvement approach that keeps insurers current with new product releases, without expensive upgrade processes.

FINEOS Claims supports the processing of Life, Accident and Health including Absence and Paid Leave on one platform. For those interested in finding out more about FINEOS Claims or to register for the webinar, please go to

FINEOS is a global leader in insurance software with customers in nine countries and has been chosen by 8 of the top 20 Group Life, Accident & Health insurers in the US and 4 of the top 5 Life, Accident & Health insurers in Australia. FINEOS has many years’ experience working with insurers in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific and has over 30,000 licenced users globally.

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