FINEOS Care Plan APAC Datasheet

Working directly with customers to ensure a timely return to work or optimal quality of life is one of the most valuable ways an insurer can reduce claims durations, increase customer satisfaction, and ensure scheme sustainability.

The FINEOS Care Plan for Social Insurance

The FINEOS Care Plan has been designed to make this process as simple as possible for the case manager, which is not easy as plans vary depending on both client needs and case manager preferences. FINEOS engaged case managers from eight different insurers to put user experience front and centre in the FINEOS Care Plan design. FINEOS User Experience (UX) experts listened to case managers’ needs and solicited feedback on proposed designs. The results of this collaboration come to life in the final product.

The benefits of the FINEOS Care Plan

  • Personalised Planning: The FINEOS Care Plan “About Me” feature prompts the case manager to delve into the aspects of a customer’s life that will help in personalising the planning process.
  • Collaboration via Digital Channels: The FINEOS Care Plan is digital by design, and it has the APIs required to support digital collaboration among employers, providers, and external rehabilitation providers in a secure way.
  • Integrated Plans: The FINEOS Care Plan is fully integrated into the core claims platform, making the data available for reporting and learning. The FINEOS Care Plan can provide case managers with evidence-based prompts which support decisions they are making with all the participants in relation to the procurement of services.
  • Dynamic Plans: Customer circumstances change over time, as do their needs, and the supports required to help them achieve their goals. The FINEOS Care Plan is designed to be responsive to these changes by scheduling periodic reviews.
  • Accountability and Responsibility: The FINEOS Care Plan outlines agreed-upon goals and the actions required to achieve them. Each action is assigned to a stakeholder with a timeframe. Stakeholders are then responsible for updating that action and reporting to the group.

Additional reading: FINEOS Care Plan for Life Insurance APAC


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